Monday, November 18, 2013

Online Sweepstakes

A few years ago, I was really into online contests and freebies. I would spend a few hours a week entering competitions. I did win a few things, a few books, some free samples, but nothing major.

I've decided to try it again. I spend so much time on my computer, I figure it doesn't hurt to pretend that time is more useful than it actually is. Who knows, i might actually win something out of it.

I started out by using a sweepstakes site that gathers info about a bunch of sweepstakes together.  I'll post a review later about my experience. So far they seem to have a good selection, but way too many GoodReads competitions.

Do you enter online competitions? Have you ever won anything?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Diving In

I have often thought of starting a blog. I have, in fact, thought about it for around 10 years. Every time I think about it, I get caught up on the simple things.

What will I name it? What will I put in the About Me? What will my first post be? Will anyone actually read it? How often will I post?

Here it goes. It is time to stop wondering and start doing.

 Time for finally jump in and start this blog.